Such a programme of deliberate pollution of the global atmosphere might well be viewed as an act of war. 这样一个故意污染全球大气的计划很可能被视为一种战争行为。
The Pentagon has concluded that computer sabotage coming from another country can constitute an act of war, a finding that for the first time opens the door for the U.S. to respond using traditional military force. 美国国防部得出结论说,来自另一国家的电脑破坏行径可构成战争行为。该结论首次为美国使用传统军事力量对付网络攻击打开了方便之门。
Act of war 'is a political phrase, not a legal term, said Charles Dunlap, a retired Air Force Major General and professor at Duke University law school. 退休的空军少将、杜克大学(DukeUniversity)法学院教授邓拉普(CharlesDunlap)说,战争行为是政治词汇,不是法律术语。
For instance, if computer sabotage shut down as much commerce as would a naval blockade, it could be considered an act of war that justifies retaliation, Mr. Lewis said. 刘易斯说,举例来说,如果电脑破坏行为造成的商业停顿规模和海上封锁造成的停顿规模一样,可能会被认为是一种战争行为,受破坏一方有理由进行报复。
( The swift arrival in the North of at least some bootleg copies of The Interview, the comedy that North Korea viewed as an act of war, is another.) (电影《采访》(Interview)的盗版迅速进入朝鲜是又一例证。这部喜剧被朝鲜视作战争行为。)
A radical Sunni cleric in the UK went further, describing the depiction of the Prophet Mohammed an act of war. 英国一位激进的逊尼派(Sunni)神职人员则更进一步,称对先知穆罕默德形象的描绘是一种战争行为。
For the longest time, against the counsel of all who cared about me, I resisted even consulting a lawyer, because I considered even that to be an act of war. 很长一段时间,我完全不听从所有关心我的人的劝告,甚至抗拒找律师商量,因为我甚至认为这是一种交锋之举。
Q: Mr. Secretary, do you consider what happened today, both in New York and here, an act of war? 问:部长先生,你认为今天在纽约和这里所发生的是一种战争行为么?
That is not a justifiable act of war. 这是不能够辩解的战争行为。
"Obliteration is not a justifiable act of war" 彻底消灭并不是有理的战争行为
Colonel Gaddafi would depict this as an act of war, with highly uncertain political consequences. 卡扎菲会将此举描述成战争行为,从而带来非常不确定的政治后果。
Be considered an act of war by our nation. 会被我们国家视为发动战争的行为。
They did not wait for Norway or Belgium or the Netherlands to commit an act of war. 我们不会等挪威、比利时或者荷兰去提交战书的。
It is an outrageous action that could qualify even as an act of war. 这是一次肆无忌惮的行动,甚至可以说是一种战争行为。
Nachtwey, the greatest war photographer of our time, knew instantly that this was an act of war. 纳希微,这位我们这个时代最伟大的战地摄影师,立刻意识到这是一场战争。
Iran may also retaliate heavily against fresh EU sanctions, describing them as an act of war. 针对欧盟新的制裁措施,伊朗可能也会毫不客气地进行报复,并宣布制裁是一种战争行为。
The boundary in ancient times between Italy and gaul; caesar's crossing it with his army in49bc was an act of war. 古代意大利和高卢的边界;凯撒和他的部队于公元前年越过此河发动战争。
If a member state's communications centre is attacked with a missile, you call it an act of war. 如果本组织的一个成员国的信息交流中心遭受导弹轰炸,我们可以称之为战争行动。
China said that would be an act of war and that it would take decisive action to strike back. 中国表示,此举将意味着战争行为,中国将果断反击。
It is obviously not an act of war just to develop digital weapons targeting another country. 如果仅仅是开发针对他国的数字武器,那显然并非一种战争行为。
It cannot on the one hand treat cyberdestruction by others as an act of war but then say that US cyberdestruction is a routine covert action. 美国不可能一边将其它方面发动的网络破坏视为战争行为,一边却将自己发动的网络破坏视为常规秘密行动。
Sending ships here to attack us, is an act of war. 派遣战舰攻击我们,就是战争行为。
The attack on the ship was viewed as an act of war. 攻击了那条船已视作战争行为。
North Korea said that shooting down its rocket would be an act of war. 朝鲜表示,假设日本拦截其火箭的话就构成了一种战争行为。
The attack was an act of war, and our first responders defended not only our city, but our country and our constitution. 那场袭击即是战争行为,我们的救护人员捍卫的不仅是我们的城市,也是我们的国家和宪法。
Any liabilities arising from any consequences which are, directly or indirectly brought about by the war, similar act of war, hostile act, armed conflict, terrorism, rebellion and coup; 由于战争、类似战争行为、敌对行为、武装冲突、恐怖活动、谋反、政变直接或间接引起的任何后果所致的责任;
The south said the capture of Abyei was an act of war. 南方称,北方军队占领阿卜耶伊是战争行为。
The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labour. 战争的基本行为就是毁灭,不一定是毁灭人的生命,而是毁灭人类的劳动产品。
Could be construed as an act of war. 可以被理解为侵犯行为。
On a Russian consulate is technically an act of war. 就等于宣告对俄罗斯的战争。